The Key West fish species list. A comprehensive list of the species of fish we go fishing for here in Key West. Fish that we can target for you at certain times of the year and some even all year round.
The following list of fish species includes all the fish that can be caught and we target with you on our backcountry fishing charters or our flats fishing charters.
The following list of fish species includes all the fish that can be caught and that we target with you on our deep sea fishing charters out in the Atlandtiv Ocean and Reef fishing charters either in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico or the Dry Tortugas.
Here Is The Illustrated Fish Species List of Key West
Only a few Key West fish species that we we fish for year round. We run tarpon fishing all year round here at Dream Catcher Charters with huge success with the strongest months being between March and August. Ranging in size from 20 – 150 lbs we catch them on Live bait, Artificial and fly fishing. Known for their high flying aerobatics and hard puling fights tarpon have gained the attention of many anglers fishing in Key West making tarpon fishing season Super busy for us.. book in advance.
Spring – Summer – Fall
If you have the patience, we have the permit here in Key West. Ranging in size from 10 – 40 lbs they are fast, powerful and very spooky, permit are the trophy of a lifetime for many shallow water fishermen. Caught while flats fishing and on deeper structures such as wrecks and patch reefs. We do both.
Year Round
Permit are always on our minds we are always prepared if they show up. To target permit book one of our technical flats fishing charters or a reef fishing charter focused on the Marquesas Keys fishing or Dry Tortugas fishing.
The Florida Keys made bonefishing famous. Ranging in size from 3 – 12 lbs here in Key West bonefish are without a doubt one of the most popular of the Key West grand slam. Super fast and tons of fun on light tackle.
Spring – Summer – Fall
To target bonefish book one of our bonefishing charters or our technical flats fishing charters on board our flats boats and bay boats.
Under-sung hero of the Key West fish species on the flats and the number one replica mounted sport fish in the Florida Keys. Ranging in size from 2 – 30 lbs these fish are notorious for explosive hits, fast runs, big teeth and fun fights. We catch ‘cudas on the flats, around shallow wrecks, deep sea fishing and in the backcountry.
Year Round
To target barracudas book one of our backcountry fishing charters or our technical flats fishing charters on board our flats boats and bay boats.
Speedsters of the reef. Cero’s are caught in areas where there are large bait concentrations. An excellent fight on light tackle or fly fishing and super good eating. World record cero mackerel are not out of the question here in Key West.
Winter – Spring – Fall
To target cero mackerel book one of our reef fishing charters or deep sea fishing trips.
Of all the Key West fish species on the reef the Kingfish is very popular. Super Fast and always hungry. When these guys are in town no bait fish is safe. Ranging in size from 8 – 65 lbs these fish are a trophy with long hard runs, the larger ones are called Smokers as they try and burn the reels into smoke. Food fare they are OK smoked and the smaller ones cook well.
Our reef fishing trips target these guys when they are in town. Deep sea fishing charters also target them. Can also be added to our All In Wo
A very strong fishery here in Key West the Sea Trout is huge entertainment and tasty sport fish. Ranging in size from 12 – 30 inches they have explosive hits on top water baits. Mixed in with the rest of our winter species in the backcountry the sea trout is a nice addition to the list.
Late Fall – Winter – Early Spring
Our backcountry fishing charters are the best way to target the Spotted Sea Trout.
This Key West fish species is great eating and fun to catch. Hard pulling fish that ranges from 10 – 80 lbs. Mostly caught on our shallow water wrecks sometimes a catch deep sea fishing. Cobia are known for excellent table fair.
Winter November – March
To target target Cobia book our Marquesas Keys fishing charter or the All In Wonder fishing trip. We also target cobia on our Dry Tortugas Fishing and our Reef fishing trips.
Inshore running through the bait these fish hit anything fast. Great table fare with a hard fast fight. We use artificial lures for them and the hits are incredible.
Fall – Winter – Spring
To target Spanish mackerel get out on one of our backcountry fishing charters in the cooler months. The All In Wonder fishing charter is also a great way to try for them. We catch them on our reef fishing trips as well.
Probably the most popular food fish of the Key West fish species. We call dolphin the chicken of the sea. fast growing and tasty. Fun to catch trolling and with light tackle. Dolphin are found offshore in the blue waters of the Gulf Stream.
Spring – Summer – Fall
To target target dolphin book our Deep Sea Fishing Charters
The total sport fish in blue water. Big jumps pretty fish and good fight with nice release. Sailfishing in Key West is a main staple for the deep sea fishing boats. We don’t really like to take them out of the water for photos..
Winter – Spring
To target target Sailfish book our Deep Sea Fishing Charters
Sushi anyone? Our blackfin tuna fishery here in Key West is EPIC. On the reef and behind the shrimp boats. You decide we offer trips to get them in both arenas. Super tasty..
Fall – Winter – Spring
To target target blackfin tunas book our Reef fishing charters or get out with one of our deep sea fishing boats and troll for them.
The fastest fish in the ocean. A trophy and tasty catch when found they offer super fast runs that burn. What a great eating fish, wahoo are rarely released.
Spring – Summer – Fall
To target target wahoo book our deep sea fishing charters.
Some say the tastiest of the groupers. Bottom fish that loves live bait and to fight super hard. A deeper water species that we catch on our wreck and reef fishing trips. A gag grouper is a trophy grouper in any box. Season is closed from January through May.
Year Round (observe legal harvest seasons)
To target target Gag Grouper Reef fishing charters
The most prized of all the groupers. The black grouper lives from 5 ft to 400 ft of water and get up to 130 lbs. We catch them on live bait and trolling.
Year Round (observe legal harvest seasons)
To target target Gag Grouper Reef fishing charters
Prevalent anywhere there is bottom structure at any depth. These guys not only fight really hard but they also love to come to dinner when in season. Sizes range from 1 – 25 lbs. Deeper waters bigger fish. Season Is closed From January through May.
Year Round (observe legal harvest seasons)
To target target Red Grouper book our Reef fishing charters
A by catch when we are fishing wrecks and large structure but they sure are fun to pull on. Goliath Groupers can weigh from 8 – 300 lbs. We catch them in the backcountry as well around the mangrove islands when targeting other species.
Goliath Grouper have a protection by law. We are not allowed to harvest them.
Year Round Reef fishing charters
Lamb chops anyone. Besides being great table fare the mutton snapper is a beast on a fishing rod. Lots of fun to catch and huge reward. A tropical species of snapper very pretty and a tough fight. Sizes range from 1 – 17 lbs with some monsters in the 20lb range in deep water.
Year Round
Our Reef fishing charters target all snappers. The All in wonder fishing charter is a great way to add them to the box. Our Backcountry fishing charters are also a great way to catch them. Marquesas Keys Fishing as well.
The tastiest and most popular of the snappers caught inshore and offshore. A special treat on artificial lure. Sizes range from 1 – 5 lbs and they pull like they weigh 20 with that huge tail. Fun to catch and awesome to eat, these fish are an incredibly fun, tasty fish to catch.
All Year – exceptionally good in spring.
Our Reef fishing charters target all snappers. The All in wonder fishing charter is a great way to add them to the box. Our Backcountry fishing charters are also a great way to catch them. Marquesas Keys Fishing as well.
The smart jack. These fish can be a little picky on what they eat but once you get it right, its game on one right after another. Sizes range from 2 – 20 lbs. Strong as an amber jack, fast as a bonefish and pretty good eating. Yellow jacks are a nice addition to any days catch.
Year Round
Our Reef fishing charters target all snappers. The All in wonder fishing charter is a great way to add them to the box. Our Backcountry fishing charters are also a great way to catch them. Marquesas Keys Fishing as well.
Jack crevalle are the bullies of Key West fishing. Strong and determined. We catch them on the flats and the reefs using artificial lures.Known for their incredible strength and speed, these fish are a favorite among anglers who seek a challenging fight. With a deep, muscular body and distinctive golden or silvery sides, jacks can grow to significant sizes, sometimes exceeding 50 pounds. They travel in schools and are known to chase baitfish near the surface, often causing explosive feeding frenzies.
Great fish from October – May
Our Reef fishing charters target jacks. The All in wonder fishing charter is a great way to go. Our Backcountry fishing charters are also a great way to catch them. Marquesas Keys Fishing as well.
Blue marlin are the trophy sport fish when deep sea fishing off Key West. Our blue marlin range in size from 200 – 500lbs. Our Key West deep sea fishing boat the “InXS” hooked 5 blue marling in the spring of 2023.
We target blue marlin when we go deep sea fishing.
Office 305-292-7212
Text 786-847-3808
Dream Catcher Charters
5555 College Rd.
Key West, FL 33040